Hiroshi Tasaka, Ph.D. Chair of The Academia Foundation Global Council

Dr. Hiroshi Tasaka serves as Chair of The Academia Foundation Global Council. Hiroshi Tasaka is a Professor Emeritus of Tama University in Tokyo; the President of the Think Tank SophiaBank; a former Special Advisor to the Japanese Prime Minister (2010-2011); a former member of the World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council; and the President of the Club of Budapest Japan. He graduated from the University of Tokyo in 1981 with a Ph.D. in nuclear engineering. In 1987, he worked at the Battelle Memorial Institute and also at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratories in the United States. In 1990, he established The Japan Research Institute. Dr. Tasaka is a renowned philosopher who has put forward a wide range of ideas, theories, and philosophies and has written over 90 books. He is now the Master of Tasaka Juku, where 7,000 CEOs and Presidents in Japan are learning and practicing his philosophy.