Event Policies and Procedures
All conference participants (organizers, sponsors, supporters, staff, volunteers, and attendees) agree to follow the policies and procedures set forth by The Academia Foundation (the host) during the Multicultural Education Conference in Anaheim (MECA).
Attendees are asked to check-in at the event check-in desk. Attendees may not check-in for anyone other than themselves and can only collect one set of registration materials for themselves. Furthermore, registrants agree not to allow any other individual to participate in their place either at the conference, during the registration process, or any other conference-related activity. Participants may be asked to show the contents of any bags they bring in.
MECA attendees are required to wear their green circle badges at all times during conference hours in order to attend MECA presentations and events.
To make the conference experience an enjoyable event for all attendees, attendees are asked to refrain from the use of cell phones during presentations. As participants of this conference are in attendance to learn, any conversations that are unrelated to the presentations should be taken outside the presentation rooms while presentations are in session.
Open Seating
Seating for all presentations are on a first-come, first-served basis. Rooms that fill to capacity will be restricted for safety reasons. Participants in overcrowded rooms will be asked to leave the room by MECA staff, MECA volunteers or facility personnel. Only seated attendees will be allowed to remain in presentations. Standing or sitting on the floor in presentation rooms is not an option. Attendees are recommended to check the schedule and choose alternate presentations when available in advance if they are unable to get seating at presentations they selected as their first choice. The host and organizer make no guarantees whatsoever as to the availability of seating.
Wi-Fi Usage
In order to prevent disturbances or causing technical difficulties during presentations, attendees are asked to not use MECA’s Wi-Fi connection while presentations are in session.
Consent to Use of Recorded Images and Audio
MECA attendees, presenters, sponsors, staff, volunteers and anyone at MECA agree to allow the host and conference organizers to record, reproduce, distribute and broadcast their image or voice in photographs, video recordings, audio recordings, and any other methods of reproduction for any purpose now and in the future.
Accessibility and Special Services
Attendees are asked to notify the host at the time they register if a sign language interpreter or other special assistance is needed. The host must be notified at least 30 calendar days prior to MECA in writing.
Harassment and Discrimination
Harassment, discrimination, or violence of any kind will not be tolerated. All participants must be treated with respect and consideration. Attending MECA is considered an agreement to abide by this code of conduct. Harassment of anyone (the host, MECA organizers, staff members, volunteers, speakers, or attendees or facility staff or attendees of other events in the facility) will not be tolerated. Behavior that will not be tolerated includes, but is not limited to unwanted verbal attention, unwanted touching, shaming, intimidation, bullying or stalking. Discrimination on the basis of age, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, race, national origin, ethnicity, religion or political beliefs will not be tolerated. Harassment in any manner, including in a joking manner, is not acceptable. Participants wishing to report a violation of this code of conduct should immediately contact a MECA staff member. Harassment and discrimination incidents are taken extremely seriously. Unless disclosure is legally required, confidentiality will be maintained. Reporting incidents in bad faith and retaliation for reporting harassment or discrimination will not be tolerated. MECA staff reserve the right to enforce this code of conduct in any manner deemed appropriate. Anyone violating the code of conduct may be asked to stop, expelled from MECA and/or prohibited from attending future events.
Commercial Policy
Commercial solicitation by anyone other than the host, organizers, sponsors, and supporters is prohibited at MECA. Please report any violations to MECA staff immediately.
Facility Rules and Regulations
All MECA participants agree to abide by and follow all regulations, rules, policies and procedures, as well as direction and guidance given by facility officials.
All MECA participants, including staff, volunteers, and attendees, are banned from possessing any object or substance intended to cause injury to others, including but not limited to firearms.
The host has created MECA as a public service with the intention of providing a forum for teachers and interculturalists to exchange ideas, concepts and information. The host, organizers, sponsors and supporters of MECA make no representations or guarantees beyond this and shall not be liable for any event delays or cancellations. The host reserves the right to cancel this function or any portion of this function without penalty. The host, organizers, sponsors, and supporters claim no liability for the acts of any speakers or attendees at MECA, or for the safety of any attendee while in transit to or from MECA. Conference participants are responsible for their own well being and neither the host nor organizers, sponsors, or supporters will be held accountable for any events or occurrences resulting from recklessness or negligence on the part of any conference participant. The host and MECA participants agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless each other, to include officers, employees and agents from and against any and all liabilities, loss, claims, expense, actions, or causes of action, arising out of or resulting from any act taken or committed by the attendees or organizers of this function or any third party except for the willful misconduct or gross negligence of the other party.